Integration of Annuities and Social Security Planning with Jan Buchsbaum and Mark Fitzgerald
For many retirees, the question isn’t just about when to stop working. It’s how to make their money last. Social Security provides a foundation, but for many, it falls short of covering all their expenses, particularly as life expectancy increases. That’s where annuities step in. It provides a separate guaranteed income for life. Combined, these two income sources create a powerful foundation and can help turn uncertainty into confidence.
In this episode, Jack Sharry talks with Jan Buchsbaum, Chief Product Officer, and Mark Fitzgerald, National Sales Manager at Nassau Financial Group. Jan and Mark have broad financial services expertise in the retirement, life, and annuity industry, including strategy, product development, marketing, and distribution.
Jan and Mark discuss the integration of annuities and social security planning in creating guaranteed retirement income and Nassau’s product development and solution design. They highlight flexible guaranteed income options that are designed to help clients optimize their social security. From simplifying complex financial products and processes to a streamlined user experience and smart approach to partnerships and distribution, Jan and Mark explore Nassau’s impressive growth trajectory and discuss the key elements driving their success.